Promo Creation

A promo creation is a process that promotes your products and services to customers and prospects.

A good promo video seeks to bring the conversation to a more personal level without making the sales aspect so overt. Any video you create is in some sense attempting to sell your brand to your target audience. However, that doesn’t mean it’s a blatant sales pitch.

You’ve no doubt seen companies release videos in the past which celebrate an achievement or event, wish viewers a happy holiday, or tell their brand story. These pieces of content are promotional videos. They’re transmitting information from the brand to the audience but without outright asking you to buy something.If it helps, think of it this way: every video ad is a promotional video. Not every promotional video is a video ad. Diving into digital marketing can be like opening up a digital can of worms.

Types of Promo Videos

When it comes to the kinds of promo videos you can create, you have a world of options.

  • Product videos
  • Intro videos
  • Product launch videos
  • Event videos
  • Explainer videos
  • Video ads
  • Recruitment videos
  • FAQ videos
  • Testimonial videos

… and more. There are quite a few possibilities when it comes to creating, so don’t be afraid to think outside the box and get inspired.

How long should a promotional video be?

Try to keep it under 2-minutes and make sure you’re hitting the important info. The old saying “less is more” should ring true here.

Even large companies and international brands know this to be true. Intel, for example, refuses to release video marketing content over 2-minutes.

Visionary Marketing can promote your brand

Think of your promotional videos as the content which shows the world what your business is all about. Make it engaging and interesting, and people will remember you. The ultimate promotional video truly conveys your values to your audience and lets your brand’s voice and unique style shine through.